Loss of Heating/Thin film Oven
This dual-purpose oven is designed to determine:
- Loss in weight of bitumen and flux oils (loss on heating test)
- Effect of heat and air on asphaltic materials (thin film test)
Its salient features are:
- The unit is heavily insulated and has a double glass door for viewing
the test chamber thermometer and samples.
- Temperature is controlled at 1630C (? 10C) by means of a variable
temperature controller and thermostat.
- Two rotating platform are supplied with each oven: one accepts 9
standard penetration cups for the loss on heating test, the other
accepts two 140 mm diameter test pans for the thin film test. The
platforms are rotated at 5 to 6 rpm by an external motor.
- Chamber dimensions 350 x 350 x 350 mm.