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Cement Testing Instruments

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Milestone Instruments
Mortar Mixer 2 speed

Mortar Mixer:-
This apparatus has specially been designed to prepare cement mortar for strength determination as specified in IS: 4031. It can also be used in mixing lime with pozzolonic materials for determination of lime reactivity (as per IS: 1727) and for uniform mixing of soils with additives such as lime, cement, etc. The stainless steel mixing bowl has a capacity of 4.75 litres. The paddle, also made of stainless steel, can have both planetary and revolving motion for uniform mixing. It can be electrically driven at two speeds:
    Revolution of Paddle (rpm) Planetary Movement of Paddle (rpm)
MI.CE-1013 , Mortar Mixer Low Speed 140 ± 5 62 ± 5
MI.CE-1014 , Mortar Mixer High Speed 280 ± 10 125 ± 10
MI.CE-1015 , Mortar Mixer Low Speed
High Speed
140 ± 5
280 ± 10
62 ± 5
125 ± 10
Note :- The mixer is also available with the heating facility