It is a kind of impact machine which is widely used
for testing the toughness of Rock and has the following features:-
- The machine is built on a solid flat M.S. plate form.
- The machine has a cast iron holding device (anvil) weighing 50Kg.
fixed upon a solid foundation.
- The machine is fitted with a striking hammer weighing 2 Kg. arranged
to fall freely between guides.
- The machine is fitted with a plunger made of hardened steel and
weighing 1Kg. and is duly arranged to slide freely in a vertical
direction in a sleeve, the lower end of the plunger, the lower end of
plunger being spherical in shape with a radius of 1 cm.
- The machine is fitted with the mechanism for raising the hammer and
for dropping it upon the plunger from any specified height from 1cm. to
not less than 75cm. and means for determining the height of the fall to
approximately 1mm.
- The machine is fitted with device to hold the cylindrical test
specimen securely in the anvil, without rigid lateral support, and under
the plunger in such a way that the centre of its upper surface shall
throughout the test be tangential to the spherical end of the plunger at
its lower point.
- Suitable operation on 220 volts, single phase, A.C. supply.