Sensitive Volume Change Gauge
The Volume Change Gauge illustrated works on the
principle of reversing the direction of flow when the limit of the volume
change scale is reached. The number of cycles with the volume of fluid
handled in each cycle provides the total volume change, whereas the
sensitivity is governed by the dia of the polythene tube used. The sensitive
volume change gauge has realized sensitivity of 0.003 ml/mm with the 6 ml
volume of fluid per cycle. The apparatus consists of a volume measuring
polythene tube running along both sides of a scale and connected at both
ends to two mercury traps. These traps are connected to flow reversal valves
through a manifold. The length of the polythene tube is enough to measure 6
ml volume of fluid per cycle. A small pallet of mercury is introduced in the
circuit to be used as a cursor, and the movement of pallet is measured. The
unit is tested to a pressure of 20bar (20 kg/cm2) and is designed for wall